With reference to the above subject, and the CMA regulations number (هـ.أ.م/ق.ر./إ.م/2/2012) on the disclosure of material information and the announcement mechanism, National Investments Company announces the court decision in favor of NIC on 3/3/2015 in the legal case number 953/2014, partial appeal/3, raised against Munshaat Real Estate Projects Co. (K.S.C.P), appealed to the arbitration act issued in arbitral treatment due to the disruption in the implementation of terms of a joint venture (Qubla Tower A in Al Madina Al Monawara) acting as the project manager.The arbitration committee has rejected NIC request, leading to the objection of the above appeal and consequently, the following verdict was issued; Acceptance the appeal pro forma and withdrawal of the arbitration act appeal. Further, confirming the expiration of the contract of the joint venture (Qubla Tower A) as of 3/7/2008 knowing that it was established between both parties on 3/1/2006. The Court obliged Munshaat Real Estate Projects Co. (K.S.C.P) to pay for National Investments Company a sum of USD 22,500,000 (Twenty Two Million and Five hundred Thousand American Dollars only) plus KD 2,000 as attorney’s fees. Accordingly, please note that the amount of direct investment for NIC in this project was USD 13,951,000 and the remaining amount was registered in the name of NIC clients’ account. NIC declares that the positive impact of such verdict on the company’s financial statements cannot be determined in the time being and will be pending until the implementation of the legal procedures against Munshaat Real Estate Project Company which amount to USD 22,500,000. We will re-disclose once there are any updates in this regard.