
Corporate Governance

National Investments Company (NIC) is committed to adopt the key principles of corporate governance to improve the company’s performance and services, mitigate risk of failure, and protect the stakeholders’ rights. NIC believes that the highest standards of corporate governance are essential to our business integrity, performance, and sustainable growth mission.

The Key Principles of Corporate Governance at NIC

  1. Construct a Balanced Board Composition.
  2. Establish Appropriate Roles and Responsibilities.
  3. Recruit Highly Qualified Members for the Board and the Executive Management.
  4. Safeguard the Integrity of Financial Reporting.
  5. Apply Sound Systems of Risk Management and Internal Audit.
  6. Promote Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards.
  7. Ensure Timely and High-Quality Disclosure and Transparency.
  8. Respect the Rights of Shareholders.
  9. Recognize the Roles of Stakeholders.
  10. Encourage and Enhance Performance.
  11. Focus on the Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility.


The Company believes that for global businesses, providing innovative and sustainable solutions to customers and establishing resilient business models that integrate Sustainability/Environment Social and Governance (ESG) aspects across the value chain are critical needs. In defining the Company’s ESG framework, mega trends, industry drivers, global frameworks and the national agenda have been analyzed and the Company has engaged with external and internal stakeholder groups emphasizing emerging Sustainability/ESG risks and opportunities.


Board of Directors and Board committees:

The Board of Directors of National Investments Company comprises of six members and the company considered the diversity of skills, knowledge, relevant industry experience, culture, ethnicity, gender, while nominating Board. The term of Board membership is three years, renewable at the end of that term. Board members are elected by shareholders through secret ballot in the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting. Majority of members of the Board of Directors are non-executive members, and that at least 20% of the members of the Board of Directors are independent members, provided that the number of independent members shall not exceed half of the members of a Board of Directors

The Board of Directors have the widest powers in managing the Company in order to achieve the Company’s strategic objectives through oversight and following up the performance of the Executive Management with the aim of protecting shareholders’ interests through focusing on enhancing the Company’s financial solvency, corporate governance framework, compliance with laws and regulations, and maintaining a sound framework for internal control.

The Board has composed committees to support in carrying out some of its responsibilities effectively in accordance with the company’s needs, circumstances, and the business nature, each committee has its own written charter, which complies with the corporate governance rules and other applicable laws and regulations. The charters set forth the mission and responsibilities of the committees as well as qualifications for committee membership, procedures for committee member appointment and removal, committee structure and operations and reporting to the Board. Below is a brief about the Major Board Committees:

Audit Committee

This committee is responsible for assisting the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities related to the oversight over the quality and integrity of accounting, auditing, internal controls, risk management framework and financial reporting practices of the Company as well as the Company’s relationship with its external auditors.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

This committee is responsible for recommending Board Members and Executive Members appointment, facilitating the annual assessment of Board performance as a whole and each member, as well as overseeing the training and development process of the Board and Executive Management, the committee is also responsible for evaluating the compensation and remuneration of the members of the Board and Executive Management with regard to the long-term objectives of the Company.

Risk Management Committee

This committee aims to promote effective board supervision of significant transactions within the Company. The Committee is responsible for all aspects of enterprise risk management including, but not restricted to strategic, market, financial, liquidity, clients, compliance, and operational risk.

NIC Internal Control Systems

The National Investments Company ensures that sufficient controls are in place to safeguard its assets against any improper and unauthorized use and that all transactions are properly accounted for. The Internal control in NIC is multifaceted and represented in:

  • The four eyes’ principles of controls.
  • Risk Management
  • Compliance and commitment
  • Internal and external Audit
  • Disclosure and transparency
  • Code of conduct and ethics.
  • Monitoring related party transactions and avoiding conflict of interest.
  • Whistle blowing
  • Defining tasks and responsibilities and delegating authorities.
  • Protecting stakeholder rights.

Financial Reports

  • Year


    1st Quarter
    Half Yearly
    3rd Quarter

    1st Quarter
    Half Yearly
    3rd Quarter

    1st Quarter
    Half Yearly
    3rd Quarter

    Annual Report
    Financial Statement


NINV – CMA approval granted to NIC allowing it to trade its treasury shares for the six months from 15/10/2024

October 16, 2024

NINV – Disclosure regarding an unusual trades on 15/10/2024

October 16, 2024

Material Information Disclosure regarding signing agreement with BEYOUT Company to provide the Market Maker services 18-09-2024

September 18, 2024

Disclosure regarding an unusual trades on 11/09/2024

September 11, 2024

Corporate Social Responsibility

At NIC, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR, also called corporate conscience, corporate citizenship or responsible business)- ensures that corporate self-regulation is integrated into our business model. CSR policy functions as a self- regulatory mechanism whereby NIC monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards and national or international norms. NIC seeks to identify a set of activities that are geared towards furthering some social good, beyond the interests of the company. NIC aims to increase long-term profits and shareholder trust through positive public relations and high ethical standards to reduce business and legal risk by taking responsibility for corporate actions. Our chosen CSR strategies encourage NIC to make a positive impact on the Kuwaiti community. Special emphasis is placed on supporting and sponsoring events geared towards empowering young Kuwaiti youths to make informed career choices, and to encourage creativity. On-the-job internships are high on NIC’s priority list as those represent the first building block for a rewarding career.

NIC seeks to be an active community player in other areas such as teaming up with organizations with a good social cause, NIC seeks to identify the worthiest projects, in which to partake which are the most impactful on the community. We believe that such activities contribute in increasing public awareness for NIC as a national organization; and places a big emphasis on giving back to the community.

It is planned that all CSR activities will be given ample press coverage to inform the public about NIC’s role in serving the community. NIC’s CSR activities and policies are in integral part of our corporate mission and public identity. This determines how we aim to project ourselves and what message we want to deliver. We aim to be known as educators, mentors and contributors to Kuwaiti youth’s advancement and career planning and growth. Therefore, activities we undertake will have to match up with those aims. Additionally, NIC’s board of directors and management place a big emphasis on serving the community by undertaking meaningful community

Services activities. Senior management will actively support any undertaken initiative by making public appearances via print and broadcast media.
