Material Information NIC has proceeded with the implementation of the required IFRS 9 reporting standards, since January 1st, to determine the impact of applying the classification and valuation requirements on the consolidated financial statements, we uncovered the following: 1. A portion of the financial investments estimated at 49,019 thousand KD are held as Available for Sale, representing the Group’s investments in investment funds and stocks, they will be classified as Fair Value through profit and loss. 2. Financial assets classified as financial assets at fair value through profit and loss amounting to 7,409 thousand KD will be classified as fair value through other comprehensive income. 3. Other securities classified as investments available for sale amounting to 42,140 thousand KD will be classified as fair value through other comprehensive income. Key impact As the company implements the classification and valuation principles of IFRS 9 mentioned above, there is no impact on the income statement. However, the impact will appear on the total equity as of January 1st, 2018 in the reduction of the fair value reserve by approximately 1,204 thousand KD, and an increase in retained earnings by 1,204 thousand KD. This impact is under the assessment of the financial controllers.