NIC announces that its Ordinary General Assembly was held on Sunday the 24th of April 2016, and approved all the General Assembly items for the financial year ending 31/12/2015 As follows :- 1) Approving the Board of Directors report on the financial year ending 31/12/2015. 2) Listening, discussing & approving to the External Auditors report on the financial year ending 31/12/2015. 3) Narrating all the financial and non-financial penalties from regulatory authorities. (There were no penalties on the company for the year 2015). 4) Discussing and approving the consolidated financials of the financial year ending 31/12/2015. 5) Approving Board of Directors recommendation, not to distribute Bonus for its members. 6) Approving Board of Directors recommendation not to distribute dividends to shareholders. 7) Approving related parties transactions for the financial year ending 31/12/2015. 8) Release of deed for Board of Directors on their legal actions during the financial year ending 31/12/2015. 9) Delegation of Board of Directors to buy & sell the company’s shares. 10) Appointment & reappointment of the company’s external Auditors & delegating the Board of Directors to determine their fees.